Verasha Part 6- Sudden Endings "Verasha, please, wake up!" She winced as Vegeta caressed her cheek, any movement of her head at that moment made her feel as though it would fall off. She tried to tell him that she was ok but all that came out was a moan. "She's awake." Her father was there, and he sounded worried. She wasn't that bad off, was she? Gingerly opening her eyes she saw four faces hovering above hers. To her surprise and embarrassment the king was there, his hand holding hers. "Verasha you need to stay still for a few seconds while I stitch you up." The medic said gently. "What?! What happened?" Vegita laughed, "Vegeta won the competition by knocking you out." Vegeta scowled at his father but Verasha saw the worry in his eyes. "I'm so proud of you daughter!" Her father patted her shoulder. "Your mother is going to be so happy when she hears the news." Verasha took in a deep breath. "What happened to me? What does he mean by stitches?" Vegeta grimaced, "The blast knocked you back so hard that it split open your right arm. But it's not that bad or deep, just long." He said in a rush when she started to look worried. She tried to lift her left arm. It hurt and had quite a few bruises, but she could still move it. Verasha didn't want Vegeta to look so worried so she caressed his cheek. "I'm alright. It doesn't even hurt that much." King Vegita laughed and squeezed her hand lightly. "Only because they gave you so many pain killers." He was holding her arm down, she saw now, so the medic could stitch it without worrying about her moving. "Ok I'm all done. Now, no training for a week and I want you to wait for the wound to close before you put any stress on it. If it splits again then come back to me. The stitches should fall off in four days." He said quickly, helping her up. Verasha rubbed her head as she stood up, aware that the painful throbbing was lessening. Vegeta swooped her up into his arms. "You don't look steady enough to walk yet. I don't want you to fall, hit your head and get even more stitches." Verasha sighed and nodded. She wasn't about to argue with him about it, even if she did feel okay. After saying good bye to her father, the king and thanking the medic, Vegeta carried her back up to their room. She smiled at him as he laid her down on the bed. "I'm really ok, you know that right?" She didn't like the sad look on his face. "Sort of..." She laughed and poked his nose. "Hey! Where the hell did you get that attack?" He chuckled and kissed her lips lightly. "Nyeh, my secret." He kissed her again, his tail caressing her side. "Aw, your really not going to show me how you did that? But it was so cool! I bet I could do it better though..." Her thoughts drifted as Vegeta kissed her neck. "I doubt that." He whispered in her ear, then kissed its edge. He ran his hands carefully across her body as his tail curled around her upper thigh. She gasped at his actions and the havoc they were wreaking on her body. All the time they'd lived together, they hadn't done more then snuggle. Her heart raced as he got up on one elbow and smiled down at her. "Verasha..." She answered his silent question by pulling him close to her, kissing him deeply. Breaking the kiss she whispered, "I love you." Which was truer then anything she had ever said. And with that they loved each other as one; mind, body, and soul.
Verasha sat up suddenly. Something had woken her out of a sound sleep. And she had a feeling that it wasn't good... "What's the matter?" Vegeta grumbled. He gasped and sat up, sensing what ever had woken Verasha up. "What IS that?" She shuddered, it felt like a large energy was near. But some how she couldn't get a fix on where it was. "Maybe it's your dad training?" Vegeta shook his head. "No.... This is different, but it's as strong as him." They both heard the dull thudding of boots running past their door. Some voices were raised and sounded like orders, but were muted by the heavy door. Verasha blinked suddenly. "Wait! That isn't even here yet and it's that strong... We shouldn't even be able to sense it right now if it's all the way out there..." She lifted her right arm to push back some of the hair that hung in her face, then winced as the stitches throbbed painfully. "We need get dressed." She threw back the covers and nearly jumped out of bed when Vegeta pulled her tail, causing her to loose her balance and fall back on to the bed. "Hey!" "Hey what? You're in no shape to be fighting. Let it be. There IS a royal guard for a reason." Vegeta yawned, "If IT isn't even here, then there is no reason to try and fight when we both are tired." He kissed her neck, sending chills up her spine. She turned to him, and noticed the peaceful look on his face. Well, she thought, if there was something bad coming this way Vegeta would be more worried. "Ok... But in the morning we're going to find out what's going on."
Verasha awoke again, but this time it was to a sudden striking of fear. It was even worse than before, this time the thing in space was dangerously close. With a quick glance at the sleeping Vegeta, she wandered to the balcony window, and opened it, peering closely in the direction of her fear. The night's sky was clear and the many stars twinkled in a reassuring rhythm. A light wisp of wind drew past her, making her hug the light garments she wore for sleeping. A brighter star, one that had to be a planet since it didn't twinkle, burst suddenly. It sent out many smaller lights, ones that seemed to get closer... "Keeping watch, mate?" Verasha jumped and turned her head towards Vegeta. "Yeah... and then there was this really weird star that..." "Shhh... You need to back to sleep. I told you that WE can take care of whatever is coming." He chuckled and turned her around. "Do you really have so little faith in your race? We are the best and strongest fighters in the universe. NO ONE can defeat us." His expression softened as he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. "No matter what happens just know...." He frowned, then sighed. "Just know that I love you, and I could never love another." He lifted her chin and leaned forward to kiss her lips lightly. Verasha sighed happily. "I know. I love you too..." She laughed and hugged him. "As if THAT wasn't already apparent." Slowly she turned and looked for the strange light in the sky. "I wonder where it went..." Vegeta hugged her from behind, placing his chin on her shoulder. "Where did what go?" They both sensed it seconds before it hit. Together they looked directly forward as a large blast shot just underneath them, shattering the balcony and sending them flying in different directions. Verasha heard screams and yells of surprise as she powered up and floated back down to the ground. She saw, to her relief, that Vegeta had landed several yards from her. A strange cloud blocked the almost full moon. Verasha looked up and closely at the strange clouds to see that they weren't clouds at all, but masses of aliens attacking. "What the hell is that?!" Verasha turned to see Cazla and the rest of the new royal guard. "Do you know what it is Verasha?" She shook her head then gasped as an energy blast flew towards the group of young Saiyans. With a quick peek at Vegeta, Verasha flew off towards her friends. "Wait!! You aren't well enough to fight yet!" She heard Vegeta yelling at the top of his lungs. "I'll be ok. Just..." Verasha had enough time to throw up her left arm before another blast smacked into her, knocking her into and through the palace. "Verasha! Hold on, I'm coming!" She heard a low growl after Vegeta's shout. "Get out of my way!" A deep voice chuckled and said something too low for Verasha to hear. By that time she had shakily gotten up. The stitches had split and the wound was bleeding profusely. Her back ached from hitting the outer wall of the palace, but as far as she knew there was nothing broken. That meant that she could still fight. After blinking a few times and shaking her head, she got the worst of her dizziness under control. The hole in the wall grew as another person was thrown through it. Verasha dodged the person and looked back. "Mikla!" She ran over to him and cradled his head in her good arm. "Are you going to be ok?" He chuckled then coughed. "No... I'm not going to make it.... " It was then that Verasha noticed a large hole through his abdomen. "Tell... Tell... Tell Horona that I want her to stay alive... she needs to know... Please, Verasha," he gripped her hand tightly. "Please, tell me you'll watch over her and my child." "Your what?! Wow... I didn't know that she was pregnant." Verasha nodded and smiled down at Mikla. "Don't worry. I'll protect her." "Thank you... Watch out for yourself too.... You'll make a good queen for us when we beat these idiots..." He blinked as if his vision cleared, then smiled. His head lolled back as the rest of his body went limp. Verasha wiped away the tears that she didn't even notice were streaming down her face. "I won't let you down. I promise." Verasha growled and set her friend down gently. Her anger and pain made her stronger as she powered up. She flew through the hole and back into the fight going on around her. As she spotted Horona she smiled and sent a large energy blast towards the two aliens that were advancing upon her. They exploded upon contact. "Verasha! Thank the gods, you're alive. Do you know where Mikla is?" Horona bit her lip and stared up at Verasha. Verasha sniffed and managed a smile. "No, I'm sure he's off fighting some where." Horona smiled back and nodded. "Ok. Send him my way if you see him." She lunged towards an enemy, kicking him in the gut then punching clearly through his chest. Verasha chuckled as she kicked one in the head that was advancing on another Saiyan's back. Horona didn't really need her help. The battle seemed to carry on for what seemed like days. Verasha had taken out a large chunk of the other army, but they just kept coming and she was getting tired from the loss of blood. Suddenly she saw the king being thrown against a wall. He was bloody from head to toe. The left eye on the king's face was swollen so badly that it was closed, the right one in danger of closing off as well. She look at the slight and small thing that had thrown him. She frowned and shook her head. They hadn't encountered a race with horns yet... at least as far as she knew. The small horned menace laughed and pointed towards the king, a small globe of energy gathering at the tip of his finger. Suddenly she saw a blur rush past her and stand in front of the blast. It hit both of them but nearly tore the other Saiyan in two. Verasha blinked in shock. Cazla... It was Cazla... Why hadn't she moved in front of the blast instead of Cazla? She was closer... Now, because of her hesitation, one of her closest friends was dead. She blinked and rubbed her eyes. She knew that it was light out now... but everything around her seemed dimmer. All of the sudden she was on her hands and knees on the ground. "Nooo... I can't pass out now... I need to fight... To avenge my friends..." She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the faint feeling she now felt strongly. "Well well well... What do we have here? Another brave Saiyan? Oh, she looks wounded. What do you think boys, should we help her?" Those around the little horned enemy snickered. "Get away from my daughter!" A blast that nearly blinded Verasha shot at the little horned thing. One of the group snickered and flung the blast away. "You silly Saiyans. You can't win against Frieza and his army." He gestured towards the small one, and Verasha assumed that he was Frieza. Frieza chuckled and flicked his hand. Somehow in that gesture her father was flung back. "Father!" She tried to fly up and catch him, but that movement sent her over the edge and into unconsciousness. The last thing she heard was her father. "Be well daughter... pull through this..."