Saiyan's Dark Moon


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I wrote this story in school a few years back. If you know nothing about the RPG 'Vampire the Masqurade' then you might find yourself a bit lost. Sorry 'bout that. It's just a scenario I made for my characters.


In the setting light awakes a new evil...



Deseray awoke to the sunlight pooling a little above her face. Another daymare. It was unusual that this ancient vampire would wake up during the daylight hours. She usually roused herself out of bed around eleven p.m., and it was barley five. The dream still lingered in her memory and she tried to review it.





First there was a scene of herself sitting in a moonlit park just staring peacefully ahead. She slowly lifted her hand in front of her face. Her hand was covered with blood... her blood. She wiped it away but she couldn't stop bleeding through her skin. After realizing what was happening she started to panic then felt weak.

All of the sudden she found herself in a stone room, not unlike the mighty pyramids of the Egyptians. The stone walls had strange symbols etched upon them. Upon closer inspection she saw that the symbols were the original 13 clans' symbols, along with a few unrecognizable ones, were delicately marked in the stone; just as if some one cut the stone as a human would cut butter. In the center of the room was a stone cylinder and on top of the cylinder was a chalice. Made of iron and extremely old, the chalice was probably of the ancient times, the times of Nod. She noticed that it was full of blood. It smelled sweet and alluring. She reached out to touch it when suddenly a figure came in to her view. Deseray gasped. This heavenly (what a choice of words!) figure could be none other then the benevolent Caine, the father of all vampires. He lightly touched her hand and pulled her close.

"Gehhen arrives soon. Only if you and the others drink from the chalice of my blood can you hope to survive." His voice was low and his breathed smelled sweet on her face. Caine's eyes were blue, as blue as the darkest seas, and in them held an alluring charm and sense of power that almost overwhelmed her. He was clad in a blowsy shirt with the buttons half-undone. His pants were made of leather and were tucked into his boots. His hair was like feathers, and a shade of black she had never seen before. It reached his waist and was slightly curly. Part if his hair fell over his shoulders and tickled her face.

"Why have you told me this? What makes me so special?" Deseray was all at once terrified and exhilarated. It was not know if Caine was still alive but it was sure the he disapproved of his great grandchildren and any that claimed to have had contact with him have gone thoroughly mad.

He just smelled down at her an whispered in her ear, "Why not?" He laughed and spun her away. One thing was certain, the father of vampires had a sense of humor.

"You claim that you are clanless, what was your sire's clan?" He looked at her, his eyes dancing with mischief.

"My original clan is Brujah."

"And why did you decide to leave?"

"I disagreed with the elders and the prince of the city that I had my haven in. Why does this matter? What are you going to do with me? I had hoped that you would also elaborate on what the meaning of this chalice." Caine now seemed like every other elder to her, pompous and erroneously filled with self-importance.

Caine stood still and looked at her. There was a breathless moment when Deseray thought that he would smote her where she stood.

Then he smiled. "Only if you strengthen your connection to me will you survive Gehhen. Take of my blood and be my prodigy. Listen to the Malkavain. That is the key to finding what I offer."

Deseray cocked an eyebrow. Trying to make sense of what Malkavains said would drive any one mad. "How does that work? They rarely make sense, and when they do it ends up being a prank."

"I will give you more clues later. Go now and find the answers."




Deseray shook her head, what a weird dream she thought.

She wondered what to make of it when she heard a knock at the door. Glancing at the clock she noticed that she had meditated for longer than it seemed. Three hours had rolled by. Gathering herself up, she walked to the door. She pushed the hair out of her eyes and opened it. There was no one there...



Staring down at the young vampire, Theyarna looked contemplative. At least she was young compared to herself. How many years old am I? The thought crossed her mind and then left, like all Malkavain thoughts. She knew that she was old enough to know not to try to follow her own thoughts. Riding on the sea of madness was the norm for her, if she tried to stop the boat then she definitely would get land sick, because she hadn't been on the land for a while and she only had sea legs and.... Well THAT was enough of that! The Malkavain redirected her thoughts at Deseray who was staring, puzzledly at the sky. Deseray was tall; at least five foot eight. Her long thick black hair reached her waist. She was every thing a mortal would see in a vampire. Black hair that looked as though night it's self had kissed its flowing curves and pale, almost ivory skin. Her dark green eyes flashed in the dark.

"I can sense that you are close, so if you just came to stare at me then I suggest that you leave me to my breakfast," Deseray called out in a ringing voice.

"You look as if you need it," Theyarna said in a low voice. She glided out of the shadows. "You are as white as a sheet. I am sorry for being rude I had forgotten that you were that powerful. I was used to my own brood."

Deseray looked her over uncertainly. Good little beauty. You are smart not to trust me, Theyarna thought. That shows how smart you are.

"Do I know you?"

Theyarna smiled. "No. But I know you, you little rebel. So how is life now that you don't fight for 'the cause' every minute of the day? That is what the anarchs, I mean Brujahs, do don't they?" Smiled innocently.

"I may not be a Brujah any more but my sire is and I have the utmost love and respect for him. Are you a sheriff? I am allowed to be an outcast here, you know, so if you feel like trying to take me back for your prince... well, lets just say I won't go without a fight."

"A little paranoid, aren't we? I don't blame you, you sort of shook things up didn't ya? As far as I know, and that's pretty far, there is no sheriff looking for you and no one is really upset. Just a little ticked."

"That's nice to know. What can I do for you?" Although her tone was calm Deseray visibly didn't relax.

"Well now, where to start. Hmmm... can I come in? I've already fed so I won't be a mooch," she pleaded. This was also another test. If Deseray said nothing and let her in then Theyarna's sire, Fool, said that she could destroy her.

"Yeah I'll just let you in even though I don't know or trust you," the sarcasm dripped from her voice. "Then we'll all be happy and have tea and crumpets." Deseray's smile was close to malice. Her eyes glittered and she had taken a step forward.

"Easy, easy, I don't mean you any harm." Theyarna held up her hands and took a few steps back. She was prepared to fight and thought of how fun this young one would be to play with... NO! She remembered her directive, to test and help this young one through enlightenment. "Please, if you don't trust me then let us move to a park or something."





The park was dark and devoid of people. The lone light shone from a broken street light. In the utopia of darkness Deseray still felt unsafe. She couldn't tell what clan this Theyarna hailed, and both vampires had been silent throughout the walk. The other vampire had a grace about her though, her fiery red hair contrasted against the blonde streaks as they both caught the light. Her white skin was flushed; she had told the truth about that, she had just fed. Her dark blue eyes shinned with intelligence and alertness.

Theyarna turned to Deseray. In soft tones she spoke. "If you're wondering whether or not I'm going to hurt you, the answer is no. I am here to do something positive for you and some of our kindred. I'll answer the questions that you have." She paused, looking at Deseray. Her blue eyes sparkled as she continued, "Now, I am unable to answer some of your questions at this time, so keep that in mind."

Deseray thought of her first question, she had so many. Massaging her temples she gathered her thoughts. Taking a deep breath she asked. "What clan are you from?"

Theyarna smiled, "I hold with great love the curse of Malkav."

Deseray stared at Theyarna. Hadn't Caine, in her dream, told her to get the answers from a Malkavain? This must be some sort of coincidence, she thought. Then she remembered all the other things that had seemed impossible to her as a mortal made sense now, like vampires.

"You look so troubled, little anarch, just like seeing a ghost." Theyarna's eyes maliciously glinted in the fading light. "Do things seem insane to you? Or are you realizing that every one in this world is insane? It's true. The one sane people are the insane. Does that worry you? You still look quite ill."

Deseray cocked an eyebrow. "I am not insane enough to believe that. You just have really good timing, but if you're going to preach Malkavian ideas to me then I think I'll head home."

"If you mean that dream you had, well you had better sit back down. What is that surprised look on your face? Do you think I just came here to bother you? No, despite what you are thinking, that was no ordinary dream. I didn't send it, nor did any other elder, except maybe the ultimate elder: our dearest creator, Caine. I don't know exactly what you dreamed, I was just sent to help you. Nor do I know whether or not it was really Caine who spoke to you. Oh well, some one thinks that you are special."

Deseray sat in disbelieving silence. Was all this true? Should she believe this Malkavian? Was this all just a prank? Somehow she had to get some kind of insurance that this was real, but what?

She tried to stall. "How do I know that this is the truth and that you aren't pranking me?"

"Well the truth is, I don't know. There isn't any reason you should believe me. Nor do I have any proof. Just this one time, please, trust me. I swear on the head of Malkav that this is not a trick."

Deseray thought a little longer. She had been pranked before and never did she hear a Malkavain swear on the head of their founder, and lie.

"For the time being I will believe you. This does not mean that I fully trust you, though. I will go where you tell me." Deseray got up and brushed the grass and leaves off her skirt. She gestured grandly to the other vampire to go ahead of her.

"I will not let you down. Soon you will trust me further, but for the time being this will do." Theyarna rose gracefully, nodding to Deseray. Together they left the park.




"What happened?" Deseray and Theyarna stood in disbelief at the destruction of Deseray's haven. A gray, pudgy cat poked its head out of the mess and yowled. "Smokey, you're all right." Deseray picked the cat up and held him in her arms. "Who would do such a thing?" She looked at Theyarna who was gazing off to the distance.

"MY HAVEN!" Theyarna screamed and dashed out of the house. Deseray followed closely behind. They ran through back alleys that twisted through the city, carefully jumping over sleeping bodies. Suddenly, a fire came into view. It was suddenly clear to Deseray that she should trust this strange Malkavian. She doubted that she would set fire to her own haven, but then Malkavian pranks sometimes involved other Malkavians.

"NO!" Theyarna dropped to her knees, "No..." The flames licked the sky as both kindred stared helplessly at the growing fire.





Theyarna was on her knees and weeping, her hands in the dully-glowing ashes. They had salvaged the most that they could from the fire. Deseray sat beside Theyarna and put her arm lightly across her shoulders, trying to comfort this distraught kindred. Who had done this? She looked around for clues but could find none. This was too clean to be an accident.

"What has happened here?" The rumbling voice startled them both. Deseray turned, her heart skipping a beat as she saw the prince of the city, hands on hips, looking about.

Deseray stumbled to find an answer. He had warned her when she first arrived that he didn't tolerate deliquesce from the rules. And with her being an outcast from the Brujah he didn't trust her much.

"They destroyed my haven," Theyarna said in a little voice.

"Who did?" The prince's voice was gentler now. "Well, little Malkavian, do you know?"

Theyarna meekly shook her head. "Does the mighty prince know?" He voice wavered with rage. "You supposedly know everything that goes on in this city." She glared at the prince.

"He claims he knows everything that goes on in what he calls 'his' city, but doesn't." Deseray's head snapped up. She had heard this voice before. "Hello Deseray, long time no see," his voice was kind and loving but changed into a stern tone when he looked back at the prince. "This fool was too busy talking to his kine to do anything about the fire. And believe me, he knew about it." The figure stepped out of the shadows. "He even had one of his minions tell him about it and he still didn't do anything."

"Who is this?!" The withering look the prince directed at Deseray was meant to frighten her, but it only made her madder. She stood up, straightened her back and looked the prince straight in the eyes. "This is Darien, a Brujah, and also my sire." She loved Darien more than she had ever loved anyone. The thought that this idiot would insult him... Deseray blinked. She was letting the beast direct her thoughts, and if she lost her temper and let the beast totally take over she more then likely destroy the prince. He was not worth a Blood Hunt or exile from yet another city.

The prince backed away from Deseray, his eyes darting from Darien to Deseray and back again. The fear in his eyes almost made up for all the slights and insults he directed towards her in the months that she had been living in this city.

"We'll be leaving shortly," Darien's voice had a dangerous edge too, Deseray was relived to see that some one else was losing control. "Any prince that doesn't know anything about his city doesn't disserve the title. Not that I'm for princes in general but you're just incompetent. I have friends at the Camarilla, not just Brujah mind you but many of your clan, Venture. Rest assured that they will here about this." The prince mumbled an assent and turned and left quickly knowing that he may not be prince much longer. He turned to Theyarna. "Do you want to come with us?"

Theyarna's eyes flashed in the moonlight. "Brujah," she pronounced the name like a curse. "I planned on leaving this city with Deseray before you were back in the picture. Which one will you leave with, Deseray? If you insist, I'll let him come along," she added in a low voice with an accent on the pronoun.

Deseray looked at her sire. His feathery bangs of the dark brown hair fell across his hazel eyes, which glittered in what little light was left. In that innocent look all her memories of him came spiraling back. Suddenly Deseray was unsure of herself. Why had she left him? She had believed the anarch that had said the only way to truly rebel was to rebel against her own clan. After all, even though the Brujah were striving to be free, some of the elders were against freedom. So why, he told her with a sly grin, support everything she was against? He had made so much sense before then. Now she realized that she had also inadvertently hurt Darien, the only person who cared for her. He was so proud to be a Brujah.

She drew herself up, chin in the air. "We have a lot of catching up to do." She turned to Theyarna. "If you let him come with us, I assure you he'll be extremely valuable." There was no pleading tone in her voice; her pride would never let her beg.

Theyarna looked at Deseray then at Darien. She tilted her head and, in a quick change of moods, she smiled. "That would be nice." She turned and walked towards the shadows. She looked over her shoulder and said, "I'll meet you here an hour after tomorrow's sunset." She turned her head back and disappeared into the dark.






After Deseray completed her assessment of the evening's oddities Darien laughed. This slightly disheartened her. After Theyarna left they went back to her haven. Darien said nothing but helped her pick the place up. After feeding her beloved cat Deseray beckoned to Darien to sit down beside her. After doing so she relayed her story to him. He had watched her intently but said nothing. His laughing made her anger stir, also.

He wiped his eyes and looked at her, grinning at her expression. "It's not that I don't believe you, beautiful. It's just that this is strangely ironic. Now don't give me that look or I won't help," he said in a playful tone.

Exasperated by his teasing she stood up and paced in front of him. "Yeah, that's all fine and dandy but why me? What makes me so different?" She looked at him as if he knew the answer but was cruelly with holding it.

"Why?" He chuckled. "Maybe because the majority of kindred didn't want to be a vampire or unknowingly agreed. You, my dear, searched me out. You wanted to be a kindred. Even after I told you about the curse of Cain and all the negative aspects of being kindred you still persisted. I, in all my life, have never come across some one who had wanted it so badly."

Deseray pondered that thought. Yes, that would make sense. At least, more sense then anything she had thought up. Once again she reveled her luck at having him here. She sighed happily and stopped pacing to sit beside her wonderful sire.

"Why did you leave me? No note, no trace. Why, love?" The usual proudness drained out of his voice, as if he was suddenly tired. His question caught her off guard. The look in his eyes was one of tormented pain. She looked away, unable to stand that look. "No, don't look away." He reached up and caressed her cheek. The love in his eyes was worse than the pained look.

"I'm so sorry. I realized that I was being manipulated by another anarch but I...." Her voice trailed off as she realized that she was just making excuses. "No. That's not what entirely happened. I know I left suddenly but I'm sorry. Everything was getting so crazy and I just needed to rebel against those who controlled us. I didn't realize until a few days ago that it would bring you so much pain." She stopped, unable to continue. Bitter tears of blood spilled down her cheeks. She felt very self-loathing. Darien's comforting hold was enough to lessen the sobs.

He tilted her head back so that he could look her in the eyes. "Don't worry my dark angel, I will always love you." He bent down to give her a gentle, sweet kiss. "Now, we must rest. We have quite an adventure ahead of us."

Eh, it gets a bit mushy at the end but a really old friend of mine made me put it back in the story. Well, email me and tell me what you think, I always love a few words on how good or bad my stories are. ^.^